If there is a medical emergency, call 911 or seek emergency medical care. Do not leave a portal message.
Please be advised that it may take up to 2 business days to respond to portal messages. We request that you please limit your portal messages and do not send the same message to more than one person.
All messages are visible to all providers.
For medication refill requests, please go to the My Medications tab in the portal to request a refill. We require at least 72 business hours notice for all medication refills. If the refill request button is not available next to your medication, you may already have more refills available through your pharmacy or the medication may not yet be eligible for refill if not enough time has elapsed. Please call the pharmacy to inquire and have them fax a refill request.
Access Arbor Health's Fullscript Dispensary at https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/arbor-health
Please Log In
Use the form below to sign in to the patient portal to begin managing your records. If you did not receive a portal invitation from the office and would like to log on or become a patient, please email us at wellness@arbor-health.com.